

生物医药大数据挖掘 课题组(BM²,Biological and Medical Big Data Mining Group)

刘琦,同济大学生物信息系长聘教授,博士生导师,同济大学上海自主智能无人系统科学中心PI。国家级青年人才,国家杰出青年科学基金项目获得者。长期致力于发展人工智能技术赋能的组学解析和精准干预,进行数据驱动的精准医学研究和转化(“AI for Precision Medicine”)。近年来发展了一系列面向组学数据多尺度(单细胞组学),跨模态(多模态组学),有扰动(扰动组学)等特点的AI智能解析的计算方法和计算模型(Nature Computational Science 2024 a, 2024b; Cell Genomics 2024; Science Advances 2020; Nature Communications 2019; Genome Biology 2024, 2022; Nucleic Acids Research 2024, 2021; Science China – Life Science 2024, 2022;MICCAI 2024),并基于组学智能解析形成面向重大疾病(如肿瘤)的精准干预:包括精准药物诊疗(Nature Communications 2021,2015;Genome Medicine 2023; Science Bulletins 2022a;Chemical Science 2020),精准免疫治疗(Nature Machine Intelligence 2023a, 2023b; Genome Medicine 2019), 以及精准基因编辑(Nature Communications 2023; Genome Biology 2018; Science Bulletins 2022b; Nucleic Acids Research 2020)。受邀在Trends 和WIREs系列(Trends Mol. Med. 2019; Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 2017; Trends Biotechnol. 2016, WIREs Comput. Mol. Sci. 2018)以及计算机科学领域高影响力的期刊和会议如IEEE TKDE/MICCAI/SDM/ICDM等发表论文。其成果先后被Nature Machine Intelligence进行Research Highlight, Cell Genomics Featured Article, 2次入选中国生物信息学算法十大进展,获F1000推荐,入选Trends系列年度“Best of Trends” Award等。著《组学机器学习》(科学出版社,2023)。授权精准干预相关发明专利4项(2项组合用药,1项新抗原,1项基因编辑)。任ELSEVIER出版社人工智能生命科学交叉领域期刊Artificial Intelligence in the Life Sciences创刊编委,华为公司科学顾问。曾入选《麻省理工科技评论》中国智能计算创新人物、获药明康德生命化学研究奖、吴文俊人工智能自然科学技术奖、微众学者奖、华夏医学科技奖、上海生物信息学会“青年卓越奖”等。入选上海市浦江人才、上海市科技启明星人才、上海市曙光人才、上海市优秀学术带头人。

承担本科生“机器学习理论与方法”(课程链接)及“生物信息学算法与实践”课程的教学和课程建设工作。依托智慧树慕课平台,进行面向生物医学专业方向的机器学习线上线下课程建设 (智慧树平台网上课程链接)。








公众号访谈:AI+时代 科研加速生物医药研发进程 (链接


Guest Editor for Plos Computational Biology;

Guest Editor for Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry(CTMC) special issue: Old drugs learn new tricks 2016 

Guest Editor for IEEE ACM Transaction on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB) special issue: Advanced machine learning techniques in bioinformatics 2017 etc. 

Editorial Board Member for Artificial Intelligence in the Life Sciences (ELSEVIER)


Reviewer for Nature Biotechnology, Nature Methods, Nature Genetics, Science Translational Medcine, Nature Machine Intelligence, Cell Research, Genome Research, Nature Communications, Drug Discovery Today, Chemical Science, Trends in Genetics, Trends in Biotechnology, Commuication Biology, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Bioinformatics, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Briefings in Functional Genomics, Genome Biology, NAR, BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Genomics, BMC Systems Biology, Plos Computational Biology, Journal of Computational Chemistry, Scientific Reports, Plos one, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Neurocomputing, IEEE ACM Transactions on Computational BIology and BIoinformatics (TCBB) , IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) etc.


